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Basic Banking Operations
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About Basic banking Operations


Basic Banking Operation by Buiness Kinetics Nigeria Ltd
The level of knowledge of banking practice and laws; the acquisition of technical competence in handling operational activities or transactions; emotional intelligence; and interpersonal skills are some of the critical requirements or qualifications of effective operations staff. This programme is specially designed to equip bank tellers and operations staff with the right skills and knowledge to perform their tasks effectively while also gaining a conceptual understanding of banking business and regulatory framework in Nigeria
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Basic Banking Operation by Buiness Kinetics Nigeria Ltd
▪Overview Banking Operations & Customer Relationship. ▪ Nigeria Financial System and Regulatory Compliance ▪ Introduction to Banking Products & Services ▪ Know Your Customer ▪ Classification and Documentation of Accounts ▪ Opening and conduct of accounts for all customers (Personal Accounts, Minor Accounts and Joint Accounts) ▪ Payment Systems & Banking Transactions ▪ Funds Transfer and Clearing House Activities ▪ Cashless Policy and Mobile Money Initiatives ▪ E-Channel Products and Branchless Banking ▪ Cash & Teller Operations, Domestic, Treasury & Foreign Operations.
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Basic Banking Operation by Buiness Kinetics Nigeria Ltd
▪ Understand the Nigeria Financial System & Regulatory Compliance ▪ Identify and appreciate different kinds of Banking Products and services ▪ Understand the importance of Banker/customer Relationship ▪ Appreciate the concept of “know your customer”; ▪ Understand the role of Customer service unit. ▪ Understand the process for opening and conduct of different types of accounts for all customers ▪ Understand the different payments Instruments in the Banking sector.
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Pay by making a transfer through your bank to the following bank account and send receipt of payment to info@businesskineticsng.com or whatsapp 08173184098

Bank: GTBank
Account Name: Business Kinetics Nigeria Ltd.
Account Number: 0006669484


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